Steps to create a RabbitMQ cluster
We need to create a RabbitMQ cluster to be used by the application. We can use the Azure Marketplace to create a RabbitMQ cluster. Navigate to the Azure Marketplace and search for RabbitMQ
. Select the RabbitMQ by Bitnami
option and click on Create
Make sure the name the VM as rabbitmq
and the resource group as azure-container-app-rg
. This is important as we will be using the same name in the next step.
If you decide to use any other name for the VM, make sure you update the rabbitmq
hostname in all the places where it is referenced such as Dapr pubsub component, KEDA autoscaler etc.
Enable RabbitMQ ports
Run the following commands to enable the RabbitMQ ports:
az vm open-port --port 5672 --name rabbitmq `
--resource-group azure-container-app-rg
az vm open-port --port 15672 --name rabbitmq `
--resource-group azure-container-app-rg --priority 1100
The 5672
port is used by the RabbitMQ cluster to communicate with the microservices. 15672
port is used to access the RabbitMQ management console. Opening the 5672 allows us to connect to the RabbitMQ cluster from the microservices. Opening the 15672 port allows us to access the RabbitMQ management console from the browser.
Check the RabbitMQ password
In order to connect to the RabbitMQ cluster, we need to get the password. The default user is user
. When the RabbitMQ cluster is created, we use the azureuser
as the default user. Connect to the RabbitMQ cluster using the azureuser
and find the password for the user
ssh azureuser@<<publicIP of the RabbitMQ server>>
Replace the placeholder <<publicIP of the RabbitMQ server>>
with the public IP of the RabbitMQ server. You can find the public IP of the RabbitMQ server in the Azure Portal.
Below is a screenshot of the Azure Portal showing the public IP of the RabbitMQ server.
Once you are connected to the RabbitMQ server, run the following command to get the password for the user
cat ./bitnami_credentials
The output of the command will be similar to the following:
Update the RabbitMQ password
It is better to update the default password. Use the rabbitmq command-line utility rabbitmqctl
to change the password for the user
sudo rabbitmqctl change_password user tCUN6UizuwTZ
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user test test
sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*"
You can replace the placeholder tCUN6UizuwTZ
with the password you want to use. If you decide to change the password, make a note of it as we will need it later to configure the Dapr pubsub component as well as the KEDA autoscaler.
For recent versions of RabbitMQ guest user is not allowed. Need to use the test user with specific permissions when connecting from remote machine. This is applicable when creating the queue using Management UI. Update the cedentials accordingly.